Sermons by Fr. Benjamin Abouelkheir (Page 3)

Sermons by Fr. Benjamin Abouelkheir (Page 3)


What chains are holding you back from what your hear & spirit desire which is to follow the Lord? When OLJC called Levi (St. Matthew) it says that “he left all and began to follow Him”. But is that act of breaking away from the chains that held him back a one-time thing or is it a lifelong thing?

What you have IS Enough!

HE HAS ALREADY EMPOWERED YOU! In Luke 10 When OLJC sent the 72 Disciples. He didn’t tell them about the authority He has given them until after they came back and reported to Him. The simple fact that God commanded you something, means that He has already given you the authority / ability to do it. His Commandment / assignment alone IS Enough!!

A Kind Word

Almost all of us are born as a blank canvas. As Christians we are to look beyond the visible and to be wise enough and discerning enough to see the invisible. Here is how OLJC did that with St. Photini the Samaritan Woman