Sermons by Fr. Benjamin Abouelkheir (Page 2)
No Work No Perk
New generation or human condition, I don’t know? but lately many of us want maximum return/results for minimum effort. Unfortunately things don’t quite work out this way. What do you expect to flourish in your life? what work/effort are you putting into it?
With Open Hands
How do you handle being interrupted? Do you hold everything in life with Open Hands? Willing to Accept Interruptions & Disruptions of your Plans? See the positive in things, Selflessness & humility, having priorities in the right order (Salvation, your’s or others’ always comes first) and Love. Err on the side of Love.
Jesus Rejoiced
God is easy to please and to make Him rejoice. What are some things we can do that make Him rejoice.
I agree
The Church that Flourishes – Part3
Don’t be a “parasite”. Ask not what your Church can do for you; Rather ask what you can do for your Church. YOU have the power make your Church what you want her to be.
The Church that Flourishes – part2
What are some musts that we can do in order to help our local Church to flourish?
The Church that Flourishes – part1
Sometimes, something can be so clear in front of your eyes that you miss it. OLJC said that a house divided against itself CANNOT stand, yet we the believers who go to Church regularly, somehow miss that very clear statement and we do things that cause divisions in the Church. What are they and how to we get our local Church to flourish?
What chains are holding you back from what your hear & spirit desire which is to follow the Lord? When OLJC called Levi (St. Matthew) it says that “he left all and began to follow Him”. But is that act of breaking away from the chains that held him back a one-time thing or is it a lifelong thing?
Humble Yourself
What you have IS Enough!
HE HAS ALREADY EMPOWERED YOU! In Luke 10 When OLJC sent the 72 Disciples. He didn’t tell them about the authority He has given them until after they came back and reported to Him. The simple fact that God commanded you something, means that He has already given you the authority / ability to do it. His Commandment / assignment alone IS Enough!!