Sermons by Fr. Benjamin Abouelkheir (Page 2)
If We Don’t, Who Will ?!?! – Part 2
If We Don’t, Who Will ?!?! – Part1
Scrupulous – Part 2
Scrupulous – Part1
Are you Really Christian?
There are many Christians out there who genuinely think that they are Christian simply because they’re frequently at Church or frequently around other Christians in Christian gatherings. But OLJC warns us here to NOT rely on that to gauge the authenticity of our Christianity
De-Thorn Your Life
The Hope of the Hopeless!
If you ever find yourself in a situation where there’s no hope, it’s too late, you’re too powerless over it, it is impossible, there’s nothing you can do, you keep sinning and messing up
Judge your Judgements
No Work No Perk
New generation or human condition, I don’t know? but lately many of us want maximum return/results for minimum effort. Unfortunately things don’t quite work out this way. What do you expect to flourish in your life? what work/effort are you putting into it?
With Open Hands
How do you handle being interrupted? Do you hold everything in life with Open Hands? Willing to Accept Interruptions & Disruptions of your Plans? See the positive in things, Selflessness & humility, having priorities in the right order (Salvation, your’s or others’ always comes first) and Love. Err on the side of Love.